Labels:text | screenshot | black and white | black | font | document OCR: H Pseudohypoparathyroidism is an interes condition in which there is decreased PT for this peripheraleffectiveness on peripheral tissues due t tissue resistance. One of the mechanism ay be increase in peripheral tissue resistance n of the related to loss of an essential componen in the cell PTH-receptor-adenylate-cyclase complex egulatory membrane (the G-protein or nucleotide oidism alsounit). Patients with pseudohypoparathy re, a sharp have somatic features such as short statu ). They fourth metacarpal, and obesity (Fig. 18.14 H show no renal response to exogenous P? Als or administration, unlike normal individu m, who patients with primary hypoparathyroidis P excretionrespond to PTH with increased cyclic AN and phosphate excretion,